
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Self Portrait Volume I

Detail from a page of animation notes probably circa 1999.

    Every artist at some point in their career feels the need to do a self portrait. perhaps it is a simple desire to leave some record of our existence, or maybe it's a desire to truly know one's self, or to reflect on our true nature look as it were at the view from outside our bodies. Or, it could just be simple narcissism. 

Whatever the case I used to have  an annual tradition of doing a self portrait every New Years day (Or at least within two months of New Years!). During recent years I've let this ritual slide. There is no good reason for it aside from simple inertia and a slight reluctance to sit in front of a mirror for hours, swearing at drawing implements. As I have decided to start this tradition anew, I thought it might be fun to take a look back at some of my past efforts. The results were....interesting. I will not publish everything I found  because, well because it's MY blog, and I can do whatever I want with it! (Trans: some of them are awful). There are a few random pieces that had nothing to do with the annual effort  and seriously predate it. So, here goes!:
1992 block printing project
1993.Fun fact: In high school,apparently I was perfectly adapted to subsist on a diet of termites
1998 Oil on canvasboard. I was big into the idea of totems then

1997 I remember drawing this.I was sitting in the big front windows of my college on a bright , sunny day, and I cast a shadow. This might be my favorite in this collection
2000. I think this was the first of the yearly drawings

Sketchpad cover from 2002-2003 (I think. I really ought to put dates on stuff).
2003 This was drawn in a hotel room somewhere. 
"The Suspect Was Last Seen...."
 I don't remember anything about this. let's just move on, shall we?
2004 I think. I was going through a phase with terracotta colors

I've since learned that Facial Hair is not my friend

 I look a little like my father here. 

Vampire novels started to get really popular in 2006...
Just sayin'
2007 so I got a little lazy, sue me

these may or may not have been preparatory sketches  for the next one

Ink on watercolor paper. I want to say 2008 but I don't know
editorial commentary on a page of random doodles
I hope you aren't as sick of looking at me as I am by now. Stay tuned for the upcoming 2012 edition in a little while! 


  1. Interesting windows into your past, John.

  2. I like the block print one!! What's in the brain of that last one?

  3. The block print and, above all, the BIRD one is phenomenal!
